Mid-Atlantic Region Leader In Service Station Canopy & Facade Construction Canopy Integrity Inspection Surveys Available - Schedule An Appointment


Replace Rusting Steel Rain Collector Boxes
with Rust-Proof Fiberglass Basins

Protect Your Investment replace rain collector boxes that are leaking due to corrosion.

Eventually, the steel rain collector boxes on most service station canopies leak due to corrosion. Also, debris catching in the corners of these older-style square boxes can cause back-ups resulting in water damage to the top side of the canopy.

Contact Us to purchase your Fiberglass Replacement Basin Kit. We offer Replacement Basin for 8", 10" and 12" Columns.
Replace Rusting Steel Rain Collector Boxes with Rust-Proof Fiberglass Basins

SARLO Corporation installs fiberglass replacement
basins that are:

  • Attractive & Rust-proof
  • Durable & Maintenance-Free
  • Rounded for better water flow
  • Quick to Install - No Interruption to Business
  • Preventative of Leaks and Water Damage

The SARLO Corporation Method for Replacing
Aging Rain Collector Boxes

Gas Station Canopy Methodology for Replacing Aging Rain Collector Boxes
Gas Station Canopy Methodology for Replacing Aging Rain Collector Boxes
Gas Station Canopy Methodology for Replacing Aging Rain Collector Boxes
Gas Station Canopy Methodology for Replacing Aging Rain Collector Boxes
  1. Detach old square steel rain collector box and down spouts from canopy  
  2. Cut old box away from post 
  3. Install new fiberglass rain collector basin and down spouts
  4. Repeat for each post

Contact us by phone at (856) 456-4316 to speak with a SARLO Corporation representative today about replacing the steel rain collector boxes on your gas station's canopy.

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(856) 456-4316

We'll handle your all sign procurement needs from planning through installation so your business will always be attractive and inviting to customers.

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